Cresswind At Lake Lanier Veterans Club
Minutes from October 15, 2024, GENERAL Membership meeting
Board Members Present:
Amy DeVillez, Rosemarie Bower, Kandi Andrade, Kevin Pearson, Robin Dickson,
Carl Lambrecht and Jim Snell
The meeting was called to order by Amy at 4:00 p.m. All joined in the pledge of Allegiance.
Rosemarie gave the prayer.
PRESENTATION OF CHECKS: The board presented Ken Gossage from Good News at Noon Shelter with a check for $2,000; Ron Crow from the American Legion Post 7 with a $1,500 check; and Brenda Key (Paige &Tracie too) from Helping Hands of Hall County with a check for $1,500 for Veterans in need.
VETERANS IN NEED REPORT: At this time, we have no new Veterans we have been able to help.
FINANCIAL REPORT: Balance as of 10/11/24: $89,725.69. Kandi gave a breakdown of expenses and income since our last quarterly meeting.
COAT DRIVE: November 4 – 7. Information will be posted in the daily update, our web page and emails reminders to our members. Dave Dittmeir will oversee this event.
NEW BOARD MEMBES for 2025: Rosemarie encouraged our members to start considering running for the board. We will have some folks stepping down and want to continue with a 7-person board.
NEXT GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING: Will be held on Tuesday, January 21, 2025, at 5 p.m. in the clubhouse ballroom. We will have dinner and introduce our new board members.
GUEST SPEAKERS: Amy introduced Jennifer Herring (UNG Gainesville Campus) and James Corbin (UNG Dahlonega Campus). These folks work directly with our Veteran students and cadets They shared what is happening on the campuses and how we can continue to help. We also were able to hear from Cadet Caleb as to how the scholarship that he received this spring from us has helped. The members then had a chance to meet these folks and ask questions after the presentation.
SAYING GOODBYE: Amy shared that she will be stepping down from the board. She and John will be moving soon. The board presented Amy with a card and gift certificates to use for her new home. All members present wished them the best. They will both be missed. They both have done so much for our club.
Meeting Adjourned at 4:50 p.m.
We had 48 members in attendance.
Respectfully submitted,
Rosemarie Bower, secretary