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Cresswind At Lake Lanier Veterans Club


Minutes from the July 12, 2024, monthly meeting

Members Present:
Amy DeVillez, Rosemarie Bower, Kandi Andrade, Robin Dickson, and Jim Snell
Members Absent: Kevin Pearson and Carl Lambrecht

The meeting was called to order by Amy at 10:00 a.m.

FINANCIAL REPORT: Balance as of this meeting is $85,754.19. Kandi shared with the board and will present at our quarterly meeting our expenses and what we have helped with Veterans in need.

NEW BOARD 2025: We will be asking for folks to consider serving on the board. Rosemarie will speak at the quarterly meeting.

GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING: Our next meeting will be Tuesday, July 16 at 4:30 p.m.
Jim will get the pizza; Amy will bring drinks; Rosemarie will bring paper products and dessert.
Amy will get four (4) $25 Lowe’s cards for our raffle at the meeting.
The board agreed to the following contributions: VFW ($1,000); Good News at Noon ($2,000) and Helping Hands of Hall County ($1,100).

SCHOLARSHIPS: Amy and Joh DeVillez will be meeting with the new UNG president here in Gainesville.
The board agreed to continue with the two (2) $3,000 scholarships for Veterans and to increase to two (2) $3,000 scholarships for cadets attending the UNG campus at Dahlonega.

VOLUNTEER EXPO: This will be held at the clubhouse on Saturday, August 3 from 10 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Rosemarie spoke with Kevin. Kevin will get back to us once he hears back from the person in charge.

Next monthly meeting: Friday, September 13, 2024, at 10 a.m. in the Savannah room.
No meeting for August. We will communicate via email and text if needed.


The meeting was adjourned at 10:45 a.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Rosemarie Bower, secretary

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