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Cresswind at Lake Lanier Veterans Club

February Board Meeting Minutes


February 10, 2023

The meeting was called to order by Amy at 10:05 a.m.

Present at meeting: 

Amy DeVillez, J.A. Swartz, Denise Samples, Rosemarie Bower, Henry Jackson, Paul Erickson

Member Absent:  Robin Dickson

Guests:  Kim Koenig


BOARD POSITIONS: For the 2023 year:  Amy, President; Henry, Vice-President; Denise, Treasurer; Rosemarie, Secretary; J.A., Paul, and Robin will be our member at large.


RAFFLE SALES: Drawing will be at 2 p.m. today. Kim, Paul, Denise and Henry will try to be there with the Johnsons for the drawing. We raised $5400. 


BANK SIGNATURES: Denise and Amy both now are on our account at Peach State Bank. Kim has volunteered to help Denise when needed.


POW GUEST SPEAKER: We are set to have Porter Halyburton speak Friday, February 17th at 3 p.m. in our clubhouse ballroom  Rosemarie will work with Amy to have a certificate of appreciation to give to Porter for coming and sharing his story. 


VETERANS IN NEED: Fixed car $970 for Shelly Schoettlin: Extended stay for Jack Bolding while he recovers from surgery; Apt application and gas money ($265 & $50) to George Obryant. George’s job fell through in Hall Co. and now living in the Lawrenceville area. 


SCHOLARSHIPS: Amy brought a mock check that will be used when presenting checks at UNG.

DTBD when we can go and present the check and do a photo op. Amy will be getting Denise the information. We will be giving $4,000 for 2023. $2,000 was carried over from 2022.


HABITAT FOR HUMANITY: We need 12 volunteers for this project. DATE: Saturday April 15, 2023, from 9 am – 3 pm. Will be working in the Copper Glen subdivision, Gainesville. Amy will send information to Rosemarie and then this information will be sent out to our members. Amy will take the lead on this project. More discussion at our next meeting.


SILENT AUCTION: Brian Olson has donated a Bands of Brother leather jacket and an original autograph from Forest Gump.  Paul has volunteered to take the lead for an upcoming silent auction.


SUMMER MEMBERSHIP APPRECIATION: Tuesday, August 1st  we will provide a lunch and games for our members to enjoy. Rosemarie, Henry, and Paul will be in charge. More discussion to follow as we get closer to the date. Amy has the pavilion area secured for us to use.


NEXT GENERAL MEETING: Tuesday, April 18th at 5 p.m. We will have pizza/drinks/desserts for our members. Plus, will have 4 - $25 gift cards. Our Guest Speaker will be Karen Golden from NGHS Hospice.


Meeting Adjourned at 10:55 a.m.

Next monthly meeting will be Friday, March 10th at 10 a.m.


Respectfully submitted,

Rosemarie Bower

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