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Cresswind At Lake Lanier Veterans Club


Minutes from the March 8, 2024, monthly meeting

Members Present:
Amy DeVillez, Rosemarie Bower, Kandi Andrade, Robin Dickson, Carl Lambrecht, and Jim Snell
Absent: Kevin Pearson
The meeting was called to order by Amy at 10:00a.m.
CASINO NIGHT: Worked on finalizing for Casino Night. Folks will be contacted who are helping with
set up, working the front tables to check folks in by Rosemarie. The play money for the night is being

FINANCIAL REPORT: At the end of February, we had a balance of $93,110.07 Donations are still
coming in for Casino Night.
CAR DONATION: A car has been donated to the Veterans Club for a Veteran in need. The donor wishes
to remain anonymous.

VETERAN IN NEED: The board agreed to help Douglas and Julie Gilmer again. They need a battery for
the car that Douglas is using. The board voted to purchase a battery, $300 gas card, and AAA membership
for one year. Rosemarie will take care of these details.
GRANT WRITE UP: John DeVillez is working with a company who works with wanting to grant
organizations money to help Veterans in need. Thank you, John, for taking this task on.

SCHOLARSHIIP Presentation: Amy and John DeVillez and Rosemarie will be attending the UNG 2024
Military Awards Ceremony which will be held on March 28 at 1:30 p.m. in Dahlonega.

Next monthly meeting: Friday, April 12 at 10 a.m. in the Savannah room.

The meeting was adjourned at 10:30 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Rosemarie Bower, secretary


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