Cresswind At Lake Lanier Veterans Club
Minutes from the April 18, 2023, GENERAL Membership meeting
Board Members Present:
Amy DeVillez, Robin Dickson, and Rosemarie Bower
Board Members Absent: Denise Samples, Henry Jackson, and J.A. Swartz
We had 50+ members present for our meeting.
The meeting was called to order by Amy at 5:00 p.m. All joined in the pledge of Allegiance. Rosemarie gave the prayer.
HABITAT: Our group was able to stain picnic tables that day. Thank you to those who came out to help.
SCHOLARSHIPS: John DeVillez was able to get $6,000 from NGHS. These funds will now help us to help more veterans with their schooling.
PRESENTATION OF CHECKS: Amy presented Jack Prentice from Good News at Noon Shelter with a check for $2,000 and Ron Crow from the VFW Post 8452 with a $500 check for their efforts in serving our Veterans at the food pantry. The board recently approved that we give these amounts to these organizations quarterly if the club has the funds or if the board makes a change.
FINANCIAL REPORT: (Denise absent) At this time we have $70,378.00.
STEPPING DOWN: Paul Erickson is stepping down from the board due to health issues. Amy thanked Paul for his service. The board is now seeking a member to join the board.as a member at large.
VETERANS in need: We have had to turn down 3 (not living in Hall County or no ID). We were able to help a gentleman for 8 nights at a hotel and Amy gave him a $300 gift card. He is seeking work at the FOX Factory. VFW & Good News will be helping also.
GUEST SPEAKER: Karen Golden, Hospice Volunteer Coordinator, with the Northeast Georgia Health System (NGHS) gave a very informative talk about the program and how is helps our local veterans who are on hospice. She spoke of ways that we can get involved in volunteering. Kim Koenig and Ron Micuch are volunteering with this program. Von Stephens who also works with Hospice shared about the upcoming Stripers Baseball game and they (NGHS) would like veterans and their spouses to have a t-shirt with the WE HONOR Veteans logo on them. Rosemarie will reach out to our members with this information to see if anyone would like to sign up and take the training or a t-shirt
NEXT GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING: July 18, 2023, at 4 p.m. in the clubhouse ballroom.
Guest speaker will be sharing his father’s story during WWII with the Italian Resistance.
Other dates to remember: August 1st will be our Appreciation picnic. Casino Night March 23, 2024.
Meeting Adjourned at 6:20 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Rosemarie Bower
Rosemarie Bower, secretary